Since my stroke in 2007aged 50,despite having the use of one hand I've taken up painting, in oils,acrylic,watercolour. Also attend The art studio Sunderland a charity based centre for people with mental issues where activities include ceramics,printmaking,digital photography,painting etc have many paintings etc to have to choose just one is difficult.
The International Journal of Stroke is the flagship publication of the World Stroke Organization.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
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Epidemiologic profiling for stroke in Nepal: Endeavour towards establishing database
Resha Shrestha @avi_neuro. , MS 1 , Avinash Chandra, MD 1 , Samir Acharya, MS 1 , Pranaya Shrestha, MS 1 , Pravesh Rajbhandari, MS 1 , Re...
Luciano Sposato London Health Sciences Centre, London Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University, Clinical Neurol...
The stories of stroke survivors are what drives our fight at the World Stroke Organization to achieve our goal of a world free from stro...