This week World Stroke Organization President Werner Hacke, along with Vice President Michael Brainin, Global Policy Chair Bo Norrving and Chief Executive Mia Grupper, are in New York to attend the Third UN High Level Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases (#UNHLM3).

The meeting, taking place on the 27th September, is focused on accelerating progress and identifying actions required to deliver on priorities that UN Members States committed to over five years ago.
While the title of the meeting may sound rather dry and the UN might feel a bit distant, there could not be more at stake. This could be our best opportunity to tackle the diseases that are most likely to kill us in the next 10 years.
The HLM will be attended by Heads of State and Minsters from around the world. This is a critical opportunity to hold them to account and to ensure that they use the evidence of what works to drive action on NCDs.
The HLM will be attended by Heads of State and Minsters from around the world. This is a critical opportunity to hold them to account and to ensure that they use the evidence of what works to drive action on NCDs.
Together, heart disease, stroke diabetes and kidney disease represent the single largest cause of death worldwide, accounting for around 20 million deaths and staggering total of 374 million years of life lost to death and disability in one year alone. Stroke accounted for 116 million years of life lost in 2016 alone. While people of all ages and all continents are at risk, the burden of disease is felt disproportionately in low to middle income countries where individual suffering is compounded by access barriers and capacity of healthcare and where social and economic development is hampered poor health of the population.
Our joint calls are captured in a White Paper which was launched at a UN side event today. Driving Sustainable Action for Circulatory Health sets out the key pillars of action that will ensure delivery of global goals on disease reduction:
The good news is that because these diseases share several common risk factors, coordinated action on prevention and treatment can result in major gains - and at a much lower cost than dealing with the consequences. WHO and World Economic Forum have identified key policy 'Best Buys' and a recent Lancet Taskforce series on NCD economics economics has indicated dollar for dollar returns that would come from addressing in NCDs now. We also know that where governments haven take responsibility and put in place policies and programmes, progress has been made.
This is why, in addition to raising awareness of specific issues in stroke prevention, treatment and support, the WSO is working as a key partner in the Global Coalition for Circulatory Health to push for more urgent focus and to support coordinated efforts by governments and other stakeholders.
Our joint calls are captured in a White Paper which was launched at a UN side event today. Driving Sustainable Action for Circulatory Health sets out the key pillars of action that will ensure delivery of global goals on disease reduction:
Pillar 2: Fostering access to the prevention and care of circulatory diseases
Pillar 3: Mobilising resources for circulatory health
Pillar 4: Measuring and tracking progress