In the coming weeks we will online publish the article Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor and Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1 Combination Therapy: A More Effective Treatment for Cerebral Ischemic Stroke the subitting author Dr Li Xiaofeng has answered our Seven Minutes in Stroke.
1. What inspired you towards neuroscience?
Neuroscience is the final frontier of the human body, and many mysteries remain to be revealed. Most importantly, there are many intractable neurological diseases, such as AD, PD and stroke, that still need to be further investigated to elucidate the mechanims and develop new therapeutic strategies.
2. Why stroke? Among those intractable neurological diseases, stroke is currently the first cause of death in Chinese residents. Currently, one person has a new stroke every 12 seconds, and one person dies of a stroke every 21 seconds. My grandfather died of ICH, so I chose neurology as my profession after graduating from college, and I hope I can devote myself and make my contributions in stroke research and clinical treatment.
3. What have been the highs so far? Our research team will be very excited when our animal experiments have made significant progress. The conclusion of our study are useful for guiding clinicians in clinical practice. Although the results cannot be used directly in the clinic, the can allow clinicians to keep thinking and be prudent in their treatment, which is a good thing for patients.
4. What have been the lows? The data obtained from our current study in animas cannot be immediately applied in clinical practice. The safety and side effects of drug combinations in our study are unknown, and further preclinical studies and clinical trials are needed for translation.
5. How do you balance work life with the needs of home life? I have always regarded the work of neurology as an interest rather than just a career, doing a good job at work time, taking care of my family during the rest time, and taking neuroscience research as an interest if there is extra rest time.
6. Who are your most important mentors and how did you find them?
Professor Mei YuanWu, Department of Neurology, Union Hospital of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, was my doctoral tutor. As of this year, Professor Mei has been working in neurology for 50 years. I met him at a domestic stroke meeting. I studied at Union Hospital for three years.
Li Xiaofeng
Chief physician
Department of Neurology,The People's Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China.