Institute for Advanced Medical Research and Training, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, and is a Consultant
Neurologist at the Department of Medicine, University College
Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria.
6. Applying to grants and publishing papers
Applying for Grants
• Be part of a winning team and make meaningful contributions
- Contribute specific sections to grant
applications in preparation
- Help with the internal review process, including proof reading
Study successful applications
Within the team, find your own unique space and gradually develop it as
you get involved with projects
Establish a profile and grow in it. Growth is a process that requires
time and persistent effort.
Build grantmanship portfolio one-step-at-a-time and grow thereby (R21, K43, RO1, U54)
Publishing Papers
Identify a productive author who is willing to invest time and energy in
your personal development
Start small and grow. Publishing papers is a journey. Take one step at a
Contribute in a timely manner to group writing efforts.
Take initiatives and ask for support/partnership.
Teamwork helps your rapid growth as you benefit and learn from the
expertise of others
Write, write, write…. The more you publish, the more you want to publish
and the better you become paper by paper.